Ayurvedic Consultation


Profoundly simple yet powerful daily routines and dietary advice have a remarkably transformative affect on the body and the mind. From this place well being can truly take place. Ayurveda shows us the way with determination, love and compassion as a means to discover our true nature.

As part of your consultation we will identify current imbalances and conditions you would most like resolved and develop a unique plan using daily routines, diet and supportive herbal formulations to help naturally bring the body and mind back into balance. These tools are designed to be incorporated into your daily life so that you can ultimately heal yourself. You will be totally supported on this path.

PRICE: $110.00

FOLLOWUP TIME: 60 minutes
PRICE: $55.00

Ayurvedic Massage

A soothing full body massage using warm medicated oil that unblocks stagnant energy, improves sleep, counters fatigue, moisturises, revitalises and strengthens skin, reduces lymphatic congestion and softens tight sore muscles and leaves you feeling full of vitality, energised and nourished.

TREATMENT TIME: 60 minutes PRICE: $100.00

TREATMENT TIME: 90 minutes PRICE: $150.00

Steam can be added to the end of this treatment to enhance the positive affects (cost is $20).

Kati Basti

A very effective treatment for lower and upper back pain, neck pain, tightness, RSI, knee and elbow issues and restricted movement of the neck, back and shoulder area. A dam made of dough is placed over the affected area and filled with warm medicated oil. This helps to soften, repair and nourish aching tight muscles. After the oil is removed the therapist will perform a back massage.

TREATMENT TIME: 60 minutes
PRICE: $100.00



Warm medicated oil is gently poured in a constant stream on the forehead, rejuvenating mind and body. The treatment effectively works to correct the imbalances at the physical, mental and emotional level. Shirodhara has many benefits including calming the mind, relieving stress and anxiety, and providing hormonal balance.

TREATMENT TIME: 60 minutes
PRICE: $100.00


Offers immediate and lasting relief from pain and inflammation. Pindaswed involves the therapeutic application of heat with a medicated herbal bolus. Applied to the whole body or locally, this massage can relieve conditions including arthritis, stiffness and swelling of the joints, cellulite and muscle pain.

TREATMENT TIME: 60 minutes
PRICE: $100.00

Netra Basti

A traditional Ayurvedic eye treatment to enhance eye sight, counter fatigue, dry eyes & slow retinal deterioration. Dough is prepared which is shaped into a small ring and placed around the eyes. This is then filled with warm ghee, either a plain or medicated. The ghee is retained within the ring at a specific temperature for a specific time.

TREATMENT TIME: 45 minutes
PRICE: $100.00